The God Machine

As secrets unravel, Rebecca delves into a web of mystery and intrigue that will leave her questioning everything she thought she knew.

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Dana Andrews With Amanda Chase
Dana Andrews With Amanda Chase

 As a writer of strong women with perseverance, I tell stories of strong women who go through challenging life events and always come through the other side with the help and love of another man, woman., dog, and other beautiful creations of this world. I write Fiction with romantic emotion. There are fantastic female leads and non-stop action that tugs at your heartstrings. This is with people and dogs alike. Some of my novels involve fantasy. If this is your first experience with my books, I hope you will find as much pleasure in reading them as I do in writing. Please write a review. I am coming out with a dog series. They are our best friends. I hope you try them and enjoy them. I hope to give you some escapism for a bit of time. Not only that, but 

I am a therapist. In private practice, I work mainly with the female population. On early childhood traumas and relationship issues among different types of issues and traumas. Furthermore, the population I work with fear the unknown. So, I write what women want to read. We all have unique needs, but they may not be like anybody else. I love interacting with my readers and hearing what they like and dislike about my stories. I'm so happy reading this and would love it if you left a review so I can see what you like. Have a great day, and I hope to hear from you. A review would be very helpful to independent authors. P.S. We love dogs and have three from the animal rescue. It is excellent to save a dog's life if you are able. They are our best friends. Please be an advocate for animals. Thanks 

P.S. I just came out with a new Fantasy book, The God Machine.



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Please leave a review. Thanks so much, and I hope to hear from you.
